
In English, students develop their skills as listeners, speakers, readers, viewers and writers through three interelated strands.

They learn about the power of language, how it is used in different ways for different purposes and how to communicate effectively and imaginatively in a wide range of situations. In particular they learn to apply their skills in different ways to understand and produce multimedia texts emerging through the growth of information communication technologies.

Students learn to understand and use the English language appropriately in its many forms - spoken, written and multimedia - and as a result will be able to participate in a range of activities in the home, in the community and in the workplace.

A key strategy used in the planning and delivery of English learning at Enfield is the use of Literacy Blocks. This looks like every student R-6,  working in small groups, with either their class teacher, intervention teacher or SSO.

The learning is based around evidenced based programs to support a rigorous and consistent approach. Ongoing student assessments and teacher observations ensure groups are flexible and that the learning is targeted to their needs.


Respect Achievement Belonging Diversity